Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Guadalupe Quarry General Plan and Zoning Amendment Project

Thursday, June 30, 2022 - 7:00pm

The City of Brisbane will hold a Scoping Meeting on June 30, 2022 at 7:00 pm to solicit input from the public and agencies on specific topics they believe should be addressed in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Guadalupe Quarry Annexation and General Plan/Zoning Amendment Project. For more information regarding the project, visit the project page. The scoping process is designed to enable the City to determine the scope and content of the EIR and identify potentially significant environmental effects and alternatives to be analyzed in the EIR. The Scoping Meeting will be an exclusively virtual meeting.   

Join Zoom Webinar:

Meeting ID: 970 0458 3387

Passcode: 215153

A call-in number is also available for those watching the meeting on YouTube or Channel 27 for oral communications and public hearing items:

Phone Number: +1 (669) 900-9128

Meeting ID: 970 0458 3387

After entering the meeting ID and pressing #, simply press # a second time to enter the meeting waiting room. No participant code is required. Press *6 on your phone to unmute yourself before addressing the panelists. To avoid feedback, please turn off the volume of the meeting broadcast on your TV or computer. You will still be able to hear the panelists through your phone.