Planning Applications, Checklists, and Handouts

PERMITTING SOFTWARE UPDATES: Planning permitting will transition to the Clariti permitting system starting mid-October 2024. Active planning applications will be migrated to Clariti at that time, and new permit applications will no longer be processed via the City's webform. More details on how to access your planning permit account in Clariti will be provided in the coming weeks on this webpage.


  1. Find your applicable planning application from the top of the left-hand column in the table below.
  2. Next find the corresponding application checklist from the table below.
  3. Refer to the Plan Preparation Guidelines to prepare the plan documents required by the applicable permit application checklist.

The Plan Preparation Guidelines and corresponding supplemental checklists outline the basic requirements for submitting a planning application. Note that a completed application form must be submitted along with the required application fee(s) and supplemental materials as indicated either on the form or in the application checklist. Applications that do not include these materials will not be deemed complete. Contact the Planning Department if you have questions about application requirements.

Planning Application Plan Preparation Guidelines
Appeals Accessibility Improvement Permit
Environmental Information Form Accessory Dwelling Unit
Home Occupation Permit Cannabis Business Compliance Checklist
Outdoor Amplified Sound Request Design Permit Review
Property Owner Authorization Form Fence Exception
Private Tree Removal & Severe Tree Trimming Application General Plan Text and/or Map Amendment
SB 330 Preliminary Application Grading Review by Planning Commission
Short Term Rental Permit Application Habitat Conservation Plan Operating Program Revision 
  Height Exception for Rooftop Solar Energy System
INFORMATIONAL HANDOUTS Housing Development Permit
ADU Compendium Landscaping Application Review
Guidelines for Measuring Building Height Lighting Deviation
Habitat Conservation Plan Procedures (Refer to HCP Operating Program Revision Minor Modification at the Northeast Ridge
How to Measure Floor Area and Lot Coverage Outdoor Storage of Approved Flammable Materials
Licensed Professional Requirements Planned Development Permit
Planning Fees (Master Fee Schedule) Private Tree Removal & Severe Tree Trimming Checklist & Guide
Research & Development Business Checklist Public Convenience or Necessity
SB 330 Guide SB 35 Eligibility Checklist
Short Term Rental FAQ Setback Exception
Short Term Rental Guide for Hosts, Tenants, and Neighbors  Short Term Rental Permit
Unrecorded Lot Guidance Sign Permit Application Checklist
When is a Public Convenience or Necessity Determination Required? Sign Program Application Checklist
ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLISTS AND RESOURCES Zoning Map and/or Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment
Bay Area Air Quality Management District CEQA Air Quality Guidelines 8.1.2 (2017)  
Brisbane General Plan Environmental Setting Table USE PERMIT CHECKLISTS
Brisbane General Plan Figures and Maps (individual maps available here) Conditional Uses in all Zoning Districts
C.3 and C.6 Development Review Checklist (2019) Conditional Uses per District
CEQA Handbook §15001 and 15002 with FLOW CHART (2020) Condominium Conversion
San Mateo County Current Stormwater Quality Control Requirements (2023) Density Transfers
San Mateo County Update on Stormwater Treatment Requirements for New Development and Redevelopment Projects (2016) Freight Forwarding in TC-1 Crocker Park District
USGS Preliminary Geologic Map – City of Brisbane (1998) Interim Uses on the Baylands
  New Facilities and Substantial Modification to Existing Telecommunications
Sign Guidelines Parking Regulation Modification
Brisbane Technology Park  
Genesis Marina Certificate of Compliance
Industrial Way Final Map
Sierra Point Lot Line Adjustment & Lot Mergers
The Shore at Sierra Point Map Waiver
  Subdivision Modification Provisions
  Tentative Map