Sequoiadendron/Festival Tree Update

come back with us

We’ve all seen the struggling, brown Sequoiadendron at the corner of Old County & San Francisco.  Though this isn’t exactly the look we’d like to have at the 5-point intersection, Davey Tree – the arborists that planted the 20’ tree last December – still remains hopeful that the tree has at least a 25% chance of coming back from its current, unhealthy state.  They feel that it hasn’t been long enough since the irrigation break was found and fixed by Public Works a little over two months ago, and want to give it until the spring, or 4-5 more months, to see if it’s able to revive itself.  If you look closely, Davey does regular inspections of the tree, and they see that many of the branches, as well as the trunk of the tree, are still green and pliable inside.  If it ends up that the tree doesn’t make it, then a new tree would be planted next fall.  In the meantime, let’s take on the spirit of the County’s “Comeback Campaign”…and apply it to the (possibly new) Festival Tree!  Because right now…we can all agree – it needs all the good wishes and vibes it can get.