Crocker Park Trail Resurfacing

Project Type:
Capital Project
Project Status: 

In 2017, the City of Brisbane was awarded federal funds as part of MTC’s Bicycle/Pedestrian Improvement Program for resurfacing the Crocker Park Trail. The project cost is to be covered by $885,300 as allocated by the grant program, and an 11.47% match in the amount of $114,700 by the City. Crusher fines, or a finely-crushed stone mix will be used, resulting in a smoother, more even surface. The Trail's new surface is also designed to not pond and hold water.

Construction is the Crocker Park Trail resurfacing started on June 5, 2023, with the work scheduled to take four months, with the contractor closing two sections at a time, as there are several operations that need to be done in sequence.

The contractor will start at Cypress Lane and work west, closing the trail from Cypress to North Hill first, then North Hill to West Hill. Therefore, the first trail closure will be at Cypress Ln., west to West Hill Dr. See the map above that shows the first section of trail closures.

During the closures, there will be signed detours to sidewalks on Valley Drive. Thank you for your patience while this resurfacing work is completed!

Crocker Park Trail Closure