
Utility Billing

Register or Pay your City of Brisbane Utility Bill Online Here

To pay your bill online, you will need:

  • Email address
  • Utility account number (found on your bill)
  • Last payment amount (found on your most recent bill)

Register to access transaction history, consumption history & more!

Registration required to enable recurring online payments coming later this year.

Payment must be completed by 11:59 pm PST on December 5, 2024 in order to avoid a late fee.

How do I pay my Water and Sewer Bill?

  • ACH Autopay
  • Online
  • Mail - drop boxes
  • Over the phone

For more information, click here.

Latest News

In February 2023, a letter was sent to all utility customers and property owners regarding proposed water and sewer rate increases to offset the cost of water from the SFPUC increasing by 94% since 2012 when the last rate increase went into effect, and sewer treatment charges from the City of San Francisco doubling since that time. For a typical single family home, the total increase the first year after the proposed increases takes effect is approximately $47 each bimonthly billing cycle, or about $24 per month. Note: this already takes into account the latest Capital Projects Charge, which became effective on the December 2022 bill.  See how rates are proposed to be adjusted over the next 5 years.

Translated versions of this letter in Spanish and Chinese are available below. A public hearing was held at the April 6, 2023 City Council Meeting and a second on April 20, 2023 to hear written and in-person protests.  At the April 20th City Council Meeting, the Council voted unanimously to approve Resolution 2023-17, increasing the charges for water and sewer services and setting the discount rate for the City’s low-income rate assistance (LIRA) plan at 25% for all services.  The new rates went into effect June 15th, so customers saw the change on their August bill (which captures the June 15 – August 15 billing cycle).  Learn if you qualify for LIRA at you have any additional questions about this increase which is for the purchase cost of water and the treatment of sewer, please see our Frequently Asked Questions for the Water and Wastewater Rate Study or contact Ligia Ferreira in the Utility Billing department at financeub [at]