
Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accountability (IDEA) Committee

IDEA Committee

On September 23, 2021, the City of Brisbane City Council approved the creation of a new City Committee - the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accountability (IDEA) Committee.


IDEA Committee members would define what Diversity and Inclusion means for the City. Members would also be an ambassador for the City to various aspects of the community, and the Committee would provide insight and feedback to the City Council on issues related to diversity and inclusion.


The Membership of the Committee would be between 5-7 members. Members would be selected by Council appointment. People who are eligible to apply are Brisbane residents and people who worked in Brisbane. The subcommittee thought it was important that people who work in town could be represented on this committee which could broaden the perspectives on this new committee.

Meeting Dates & Times

The IDEA Committee meets monthly on the third Wednesday of the month at 6pm. You can watch the replay on the City's YouTube page or meetings live on Zoom:

To contact the Committee, please connect with the staff liaison via this webform.

Latest News

To help inform the 2025 Work Plan for the City's IDEA Committee, they would like to hear from as many residents as possible and build upon past surveys. They have just a few questions in this latest survey which debuted at the 2024 Day in the Park; let's get started!


At their May 18, 2022 meeting, the IDEA Committee worked through defining what Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accountability meant to them.  Here is what they came up with:

Inclusion: an active state of being valued, respected, and supported that focuses on the needs of every individual and ensures the right conditions are in place for each person to achieve their full potential, while harming none.

Diversity: a broad array of differences in identity, perspective, skill, and style.

Equity: practices and policies that are just, transparent, and consistent which identify and eliminate barriers preventing the full participation of all groups.

Accountability: defining metrics, taking measurements, and reporting that progress on a regular basis as it relates to Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity.

Do you agree with the above definitions the IDEA Committee came up with?  Disagree?  We'd love to hear your feedback!

For Diversity, the Committee plans to use a longer definition for internal purposes, as a way to ensure they’re not overlooking any of the following areas –

The City defines diversity as the variety of human differences and similarities among people, such as: age, belief system, class/caste, culture, disability, education, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, generation, geography, job role and function, language, marital status, mental health, nationality, native or indigenous origins, parental status, personality type, race, religion, sexual orientation, thinking style, work experience and work style. (Adopted from the Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Benchmark model)

Flag Display Schedule

Below is a calendar which details the schedule of the flags currently being flown at the Community Park and outside City Hall.  Please note: the U.S. Flag, California State Flag, Progress Flag, and Ukraine Flag are not shown on the calendar as they are flying daily.