Sierra Point Open Space and Parks Master Plan

Project Type:
Project Status: 

Consultant: CMG Landscape Architecture

Staff Lead: Noreen Leek, Parks & Recreation Director


Cliff Lentz – Councilmember

Coleen Mackin - Councilmember

Trudi Davis – Parks & Recreation Commission

Barbara Ebel – Open Space and Ecology Committee

Camille Salmon – Public Art Advisory Committee

Mangesh Kolhatkar – Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accountability (IDEA) Committee

Dariusz Wodziak - Complete Streets Safety Committee

Master Planning Objectives

Connectivity, Stewardship and Sustainability, Art & Recreation

Project Overview

The Sierra Point Open Space and Parks Master Plan is a compelling opportunity to reinvigorate a remarkable section of the Bay shore and Brisbane’s waterfront for the next century of use: by creating a welcoming and resilient place to play and recreate, engage with the outdoors, and foster connections across generations and communities.

The Master Planning process is officially underway! The City's contracted consultant, CMG Landscape Architecture, meets regularly with the project subcommittee - which is comprised of members from the City Council, Parks and Recreation Commission, Open Space and Ecology Committee, Complete Streets Safety Committee, IDEA Committee, and Public Art Advisory Committee. From now through Spring 2023, the Subcommittee will be working alongside staff to ensure that the Master Plan guides future open space improvements while maintaining important goals: enhance the environment, create public value by supporting social and cultural life outdoors, and increase connection to the water.

Guiding Principles established for the Sierra Point Open Space and Parks Master Plan will be the foundation for building consensus for aspirations that will guide development of the project. The initial principles below summarize statements by City and community stakeholders to date, and will continue to be refined or augmented with community input. The guiding principles are to be comprehensive in the breadth of concerns they address, but each is to be specific in its intent. Collectively they describe an inclusive public destination, founded on health, wellness and community cohesion, that is a unique expression of Brisbane’s identity.

1. Sierra Point will be a diverse & inclusive place that is authentic to Brisbane.

2. Sierra Point will have a unique identity, accentuated by art, that inspires community pride.

3. Sierra Point will be a beautiful, durable place to enjoy everyday and in all seasons.

4. Sierra Point will include varied amenities for daily use in a natural setting.

5. Sierra Point will be a healthy, safe space of respite and a place to meet your neighbors.

6. Sierra Point will demonstrate best practices for sustainable, resilient waterfront open space.

Task 1: Discovery Phase

The Task 1: Discovery phase of the master planning process sought to complete a site analysis, reviewing various constraints, including the SF Bay Conservation and Development Commission's (BCDC) regulations regarding the shoreline, the need to preserve parking, and local weather/wind conditions. The Task 1 report collates and presents results of CMG’s preliminary engagement with stakeholders, review of project materials and resources, and site observations. Technical constraints, stakeholder ambitions, and open space improvement opportunities have been defined, and the conversation with stakeholders will continue as the process advances. Sequentially, a public engagement survey sought to understand how people currently engage with Sierra Point and their priorities for its future. The information collected in the survey will be collated and published in the final Sierra Point Open Space & Parks Master Plan as part of the public engagement process summary and used to inform the content of the Master Plan document itself.

View the Task 01: Discovery Phase & Report.

Task 2: Exploration Phase

The Discovery phase has provided a foundation for the basis of Task 2: Exploration. During this second phase, CMG will present 3 concept plans to staff, the subcommittee, and the public for consideration. Common to each alternative concept is an approach to sea-level rise and long-term Bay Trail access, consolidated parking, a natural wetland edge along the water, and open space amenities. Connections and open space relationships will be explored in relation to the impending adjacent development and the intersection with Sierra Point Parkway. An in-person public engagement workshop was held on 1/31/23 and the visioning process continued for residents at the Farmers' Market on 2/16/23 at the Community Park.  Additional engagement opportunities will be scheduled for the public and stakeholder groups as part of this phase.

In the video below, hear Willett Moss, Founding Partner of CMG Landscape Architecture, discuss the project schedule overview, existing and future site conditions, Task 1: Discovery survey responses, and three alternative concept plans for the Sierra Point Open Space & Parks Master Plan. (NOTE: the presentation is 45 minutes in duration.)

Sierra Point Open Space and Parks Master Plan
aerial map
Sierra Point
Bay Trail
Sierra Point
Survey graphic
Workshop Flyer