Health & Wellness

For employees to live healthy lives and be more productive, the City of Brisbane recognizes that promoting health and wellness in the workplace is fundamental to employee satisfaction and well-being

Health and Wellness
  • On-site exercise room equipped with weights, treadmill, and professional exercise tools are available for employee use 
  • Annual health and wellness reimbursement available
    • Our wellness reimbursement program provides greater flexibility for reimbursing costs that promote well-being by up to $300 to eligible employees
    • Programs/activities that promote recreational, mental, and physical wellbeing  are eligible expenses for reimbursement
    • (More Information can be found in the Health and Wellness Reimbursement Policy file linked under Supporting Documents)
  • City employees have access to a wellness room as a designated personal space where they can withdraw if they are anxious or unwell, or if a nursing mother needs to pump. It can offer a necessary separation from other people in the public areas of the office.