Sierra Point Yacht Club

Sierra Point Yacht Club

The Sierra Point Yacht Club, located at the Brisbane Marina at 500 Sierra Point Parkway, was established in 1984 to promote social interaction among the membership and other yacht clubs in the region, with the intent of encouraging safe, enjoyable pleasure-boating.  Visit their website,, to find information on their historyevents -- for both members and the Brisbane community at-large, read their newsletter, The Spyglass, and how you can join SPYC.  The City will also be publicizing certain events that take place at the Sierra Point Yacht Club, so that residents can be informed about the many community events that take place there, and join in on the festivities!

If you are a Brisbane resident, you should also be aware that the parking lot right outside the Sierra Point Yacht Club is the site of the City's Residential Assembly Point.  This is the spot where, in the event of an ordered evacuation, residents should gather as it is where emergency personnel will be on-site to assist you and your loved ones.

A birds-eye view of the Sierra Point Yacht Club, looking west.