The Baylands Specific Plan - Public Draft Submittal

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The draft Baylands Specific Plan prepared by the property owner (Baylands Development Inc. - BDI) has been submitted to the City of Brisbane and may be viewed below. Hard copies of the draft specific plan are available for review at City Hall and Brisbane Library. Note that this plan is the applicant’s proposal. The community will have the opportunity to weigh in on the plan and related environmental impact report (EIR) through a public review process as outlined below. At the conclusion of this public process, the City has final authority over the project, including the ability to approve, modify or deny the draft specific plan.

The City is currently in the process of preparing an EIR addressing the potential environmental impacts of the proposed specific plan. In 2020 the City published an EIR Notice of Preparation (NOP) and held a public EIR scoping meeting. A revised NOP based upon the draft specific plan will be published later this spring, and another scoping meeting will be held during the NOP comment period. Additional public notice will be provided when the revised NOP is published and the scoping meeting scheduled.

Next steps following the revised NOP release and scoping meeting are as follows:

  1. City consultant completes preparation of the draft EIR
  2. Draft EIR is published and released for public review and comment. Public is encouraged to comment on the draft specific plan at that time as well.
  3. City consultant prepares written responses to all comments received on the draft EIR.
  4. Final EIR (including all responses to comments and any changes to the draft EIR resulting from these comments) is published.
  5. Final EIR and Specific Plan are subject to formal public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council.

While a final time schedule has not been established, it is anticipated that the draft EIR will be published in 2024 whereupon public hearings will commence.