Arts & Culture

Arts and Culture Collage

Despite its small size, arts & culture in Brisbane has become one of the City's distinguishing marks, thanks in large part to the support from the City Council to co-sponsor many of the special events and programs put on by our artist community.  For instance, the Mayor's Art Achievement Award is presented each Spring at a Council meeting and the Arts Advocate Award is presented every February before Intermission at the annual Artist Evening of Sharing, which itself has become a widely-celebrated event with artists of all disciplines coming together for an evening of enchantment as they showcase their art to the Community.  Also, every few months there is a new art installation at City Hall in the main conference room, with a free Wednesday evening reception from 6:00pm - 8:00pm that is open to the public. 

Click here to view a selection of documentaries produced by Brisbane resident Keith Moreau, which highlight many of Brisbane's local artists.

The City is proud to also co-sponsor Brisbane Dance Workshop's annual Spring Performance and Holiday Craft Fair, as well as the SF Shakespeare Event.  And of course, if you prefer the outdoors and live music, then look no further than the annual Concerts in the Park and the Day in the Park/Derby Races, which take place in the late summer months and on the first Saturday in October, respectively.