AT&T's Notice of Pending Regulatory Application


In late January, you may have received a letter from AT&T advising you of their pending regulatory application with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to remove their obligation under California law to provide traditional landline phone service in Brisbane. Their application has not yet been approved by the CPUC, which staff reached out to for more information as well as any timeframe that can be provided. CPUC's Local Government and Community Liaison shared links to the docket where residents can voice their concerns. There is also a CPUC page dedicated to AT&T's applications, which does have a FAQ sheet.

Our Local Government and Community Liaison also shared that regarding timeframe, it's unknown right now due to this being an active proceeding that has not yet been ruled upon. There is, however, opportunity for residents to voice their concerns about the impact on the public comment links below:

The CPUC will be holding virtual public forums regarding AT&T's applications on Tuesday, March 19th at 2 PM and 6 PM. Information on how to join one of these public forums can be found here.

Staff will continue to monitor this situation; you may also subscribe to this proceeding to get updates on its progress.