Earth Month 2020

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Despite COVID-19 requiring postponement of our Annual Earth Day Habitat Restoration event, we still want to celebrate the planet and the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. Each week throughout April, we'll be bringing you a list of seven suggestions that you and your family can do from the safety of home - pick one, a few, or do one every day! Share your experiences, artwork, learnings, or future suggestions on social media using #EarthDayTheBrisbaneWay. Plus, see below for some upcoming virtual events!

Virtual events:

  • April 16th from 12-2pm: Twitter "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) about Electric Vehicles
    • ​​​If you have questions about what kind of EV is right for you, how to find good deals, or why EVs matter for the planet, here's your chance to get the scoop directly from Acterra's EV Ambassadors. Join in on Acterra's Twitter channel.
  • April 19th from 9am-5pm (register by April 18): San Bruno Mountain Conference
    • Learn about scientific research done on the Mountain, wildflowers, manzanitas, and rare plants, the Habitat Conservation Plan that preserved the Mountain, and the history that brought the HCP into being.
  • April 20th at 1:30 pm: Stanford Earth Day Future 50
    • ​​​Join the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment for a celebration of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Hear reflections on how far we have come since the first Earth Day in 1970 and what the next 50 years may hold for the future of the Earth. 
  • April 21st at 7pm: Take a Bite out of Climate Change
    • Burlingame Citizen Environmental Council event exploring why moving away from meat is often cited as the No. 1 step to counter the climate crisis. Debra Shapiro, a certified, plant-based nutrition coach, will talk about the Green Monday movement, how easy it is to change your diet, and answer your questions.
  • April 22nd from 11:45am-1pm: Virtual Earth Day Celebration
    • Celebrate with Co-founder of Earth Day and former Congressman Pete McCloskey, Assemblymember Ash Kalra, Amah Mutsun Tribal Band Chairman Valentin Lopez, Silicon Valley Youth Climate Strike, and Green Foothills 
  • May 16th from 10am - 12pm: Home Composting Workshop
    • ​​​Learn to compost at home in this no-cost, 2 hour, interactive online workshop from the County of San Mateo's Sustainability Academy.