Transportation Demand Management Strategy

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What is TDM Countywide TDM Policy
City of Brisbane TDM Strategy & Applicability Classification of Tiers
Exemptions Trip Reduction Measures
Monitoring & Enforcement Additional Information

What is TDM 

Transportation Demand Management (TDM) refers to policies, programs, and strategies that aim to reduce vehicle travel, particularly single-occupancy vehicles. TDM measures that reduce single occupancy vehicle travel and shift trips to transit, active transportation, and carpooling provide a range of benefits, such as alleviating traffic congestion, reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and greenhouse gas emissions, managing parking demand, promoting more physically active communities, and making efficient use of the existing transportation system.

Countywide TDM Policy 

On January 1, 2022, C/CAG’s new TDM Policy went into effect and requires all local jurisdictions in San Mateo County to notify C/CAG of any new development project that is estimated to generate at least 100 Average Daily Trips (ADT). Projects subject to C/CAG's policy must submit a TDM Checklist alongside their development and/or building application. If approved, the project will be required to both implement the selected TDM measures from the Checklist and perform on-going monitoring and reporting requirements. Refer to C/CAG's program website at for more details, FAQ, and the checklist.

City of Brisbane TDM Strategy & Applicability 

The City of Brisbane's TDM ordinance builds upon C/CAG’s countywide approach while tailoring requirements to the City of Brisbane and exceeds C/CAG's single-occupancy vehicle (SOV) trip reduction targets by 25% or more. It became effective November 18, 2023 and requires any of the following types of projects to incorporate trip reduction measures and perform on-going monitoring and reporting requirements based on a tiered system (see classification of tiers below):

  1. Any development, construction, or infrastructure project that generates at least 100 ADT, or
  2. Any nonresidential project applying for a planning or building permit for improvements valued at more than $500,000 in construction costs, regardless of the number of average daily trips generated, or
  3. Any project involving additions, alterations, or major rebuilds to a lawfully constructed building completed within any five year period, regardless of the number of average daily trips generated.

Note, C/CAG’s TDM Policy Implementation Guide states that jurisdictions may request an exemption provided that it meets or exceeds a SOV trip reduction. Brisbane is in the process of seeking an exemption this year. In the interim, applicable projects must implement the City of Brisbane's TDM measures but submit a C/CAG TDM Checklist alongside their development and/or building application. See above for a brief synopsis and information related to C/CAG's TDM policy.

Classification of Tiers 

All projects subject to the requirements of Brisbane's TDM Ordinance shall incorporate trip reduction measures based on the following three tiers. (Mixed-use projects are subject to the highest applicable tier for any single project component.)

Tier 1:

All nonresidential projects that do not meet the criteria for Tier 2 or Tier 3 and all residential projects not otherwise exempted.

Tier 2:

Office and Research and Development (R&D) projects between 10,000 and 50,000 square feet of gross building square footage, and all warehousing and trade commercial projects.

Tier 3:

Office and R&D projects with greater than 50,000 square feet of gross building square footage.


Please contact the Planning Department to determine if your project may be exempt. Generally, multifamily residential projects in which 100% of the dwelling units are designated as "Affordable, Inclusionary, or Target Units", small residential projects, and certain projects with environmental benefits are exempt from the requirements of the City's TDM ordinance.

Note, projects exempt from Brisbane's TDM Ordinance are not exempt from C/CAG’s TDM Policy at this time (until the City's exemption is granted) and applicable projects must still submit a C/CAG TDM Checklist alongside their development and/or building application at this time.

Trip Reduction Measures 

All projects subject to Brisbane's TDM ordinance shall implement all the required measures per the applicable tier of compliance

Tier 1 Measures:
  1. Designate a dedicated TDM Coordinator to serve as point person of the project and engage in regular marketing activities, including sharing information on transportation alternatives;
  2. Participate in trip reduction programs;
  3. Provide bicycle and pedestrian-oriented site access;
  4. Provide bicycle parking per city code;
  5. Provide upgrades to pedestrian, bicycle, or transit infrastructure along the Project’s frontage as requested by the City; and
  6. Complete an annual self-certification report for the first 6 years after occupancy or permit final.
Tier 2 Measures:
  1. All Tier 1 measures plus all of the following:
  2. Provide financial contributions toward’s shuttle operations consortium, based on project’s size and proximity to shuttle service; 
  3. Provide pre-tax commuter benefits to employees;
  4. Complete an annual self-certification report for the first 20 years after occupancy or permit final;
  5. Conduct annual employee mode share surveys for informational purposes.
Tier 3 Measures:
  1. All Tier 1 and Tier 2 Measures plus all of the following:
  2. Encourage telecommuting and flexible work schedules;
  3. Right-size parking supply within City required maximums per Chapter 17.34;
  4. If located within the SP-SCRO Zoning District, provide a fair share financial contribution toward a shuttle service;
  5. Provide a subsidized carpool and vanpool program;
  6. Provide parking cash-out or implement paid parking on-site;
  7. Provide transit subsidy benefits up to the IRS maximum amount;
  8. Provide access to end-of-trip bicycle facilities including showers, lockers, and a bicycle repair station on-site, or within 100 yards of the site; 
  9. Complete an annual self-certification report in perpetuity after occupancy or permit final;
  10. Conduct annual employee mode share surveys and driveway counts to monitor progress towards a fifty-two percent (52%) drive alone mode share goal.

Monitoring & Enforcement 

All projects shall be subject to monitoring and enforcement, which includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Initial compliance reporting
  2. Annual compliance reporting
  3. Penalties for noncompliance

Additional Information 

The linked City Council agenda report summarizes the City of Brisbane's TDM Strategy and requirements of the ordinance. Additional details and requirements for Brisbane's TDM will be posted online as they become available. Please contact the Planning Department with questions about TDM. You may also subscribe to the City of Brisbane TDM Strategy notification list for updates.