Address Assignment/Change Request

Use this form to request the assignment of an address to your project or a change of assigned address. For information on the addressing process, please see below.

Note that addresses will only be assigned when new development or alteration work is proposed. If no new construction or alteration is proposed, a change of address will ONLY be granted for one of the following reasons:

  1. Your current address is out of sequence with the existing pattern on your block.
  2. The existing entrance on a corner lot is on a different street.
  3. You have documentation that demonstrates difficulty in receiving mail or emergency services.

After an official address is assigned, the owner shall cause the number to be displayed upon the building or land in such manner as to be visible from the street.


Submit this form and items below (other documents may also be required depending on your project scope):

  • Site Plan: Drawn to scale and showing property lines, building footprint(s), entrances to the main building and ADU, and approximate location of address numbers.
  • For changes to suite or unit numbering: In addition to the above, you must also provide floor plans that illustrate the path of travel from the main entrance to the entrance of each suite/unit/apartment and identifies the approximate location of the suite/unit/apartment numbers.
  • Detail of address numbers: Please include a detail of the address number(s) indicating height and spacing. Please refer to the Address Identification Inspection Guidelines for more information.

Applications that do not have all the required documentation will not be processed.

Once your submittal package has been reviewed to ensure all documentation has been submitted, you will be contacted by staff to pay a fee (line P67 of the Master or Planning Fee Schedule) and your project will be assigned to a planner for review.


Application Type: *
Do you have an existing address: *


Owner of Record: *
I hereby certify that I am the Owner of Record of the subject property and that I approve of the action requested herein.

Please attach a completed Property Owner Authorization Form signed by the owner of the property with your other required plans/documentation.

Your application will be considered incomplete without a signed authorization letter from the property owner.




Addresses are assigned in standardized patterns so as to promote speedy response by emergency personnel, as well as provide convenience generally in identifying and locating properties.

Addresses will not be assigned out of numerical sequence. Owner of properties with out-of-sequence addresses are encouraged to request a change of assigned address so as to conform to the overall pattern of addresses.

Addresses will be assigned in pattern consistent for the street. Streets typically have odd-numbered addresses on one side of the street and even-numbered addresses on the other.

Individual addresses in multi-unit buildings will be consistently assigned. In multi-unit buildings, all units should be identified by the property’s numerical address, followed by a unit or suite number or letter.  Only where there are sufficient unassigned numbers on the street may unit in a single building be assigned separate numerical addresses.

For properties with an accessory dwelling (ADU) or junior accessory dwelling unit (JADU), the main dwelling must be identified by the numerical address for the property, while the ADU or JADU must be identified by the main dwelling's numerical address and the letter “A". If the property contains multiple ADUs or both an ADU and JADU, the ADU(s) and JADU must be identified by the main dwelling's numerical address and a sequential alphabetical letter.

NOTE:  The City will not assign addresses to illegal dwelling units. Please contact Planning staff if you would like to legalize an unpermitted ADU or visit our ADU webpage for more information.

Once addresses are assigned, city staff will prepare an addressing notice and send it to the US Post Office, San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, San Mateo County Assessor, utility companies, emergency services, and city departments. 

Failure to apply for the Address Assignment application may delay the final inspection of a building permit.

Staff may assign a different address if your proposal does not conform to the above address assignment procedures.


Please do not submit your entire Building Permit plan set; only a site plan and address number detail is required for this request. Elevations that provide address number details are acceptable.
Files must be less than 20 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png bmp tif pdf.
(If Necessary)
Files must be less than 20 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png bmp tif pdf.
The proper person(s) or entity must be listed as the Property Owner. Please notify the City of any changes of ownership name or address.
By selecting the "I Agree" button, you are signing this application electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this application.
Electronic Signature Agreement: *